DID: Must be time to go home because woke up with a tight jaw for the first time in two months. Stress already and we hadn’t even left Bali!
Jason headed out to a cooking class at 7am – real dedication for him. Said it wasn’t as hands-on as previous courses he’s taken this trip because there were 12 people, but he enjoyed what they made. Hoping for some satay, fish in banana leaf, and other Indonesian-inspired delights when we get home.
GnR and I packed up and hit the pool for the day. Gavin discovered the fun of jumping in the hot tub, then the ‘cold shot’ pool, then the big pool. He must have made the rounds at least 20 times by the time Jason returned in the early afternoon.
Jason returned to squeals of 'Daddy Home!!' from Rhys. This is his new thing - when any of us leaves the room even briefly we are treated to this very enthusiastic welcome upon our return. So cute!
Room tab didn’t give me quite the heart attack I was expecting. Helped by the 20% discount on all goods/services when staying in a club room – thanks Mom & Dad!!!
Gave myself a tight back to go with the clenched jaw when adjusting Rhys’ lounge chair. Don’t know what I did but couldn’t really walk or stand up straight. Sitting in an airplane for 10 hours was a real party. Did cajole Jason into pushing me around in an airport wheelchair while on a layover in Singapore (with Rhys in my lap). It’s a crazy feeling being wheeled around like that! Especially while wandering the aisles in the duty free shops, I was sure he was going to ram me into a display at every turn – but he was a good driver.
Flight from Singapore to Sydney was on an Airbus 380. What an absolute beast. 3-4-3 seat configuration and the window seats are not even close enough to the window to lean against the wall. Nice in-seat features such as a power outlet, 11-inch tv screens at every seat, usb and internet cable inputs, loads of movie/audio/games from which to choose. But why on a midnight flight did it take them 2 hours to turn out the lights????
ATE: Hyatt meals all the way. Breakfast at the club. Lunch at the pool (grilled ham & cheese sandwiches). Snack 1 at the club – birthday cake compliments of the hotel. Happy hour drinks/nibbles at the club – beer (+ ibuprofen for me), plus mini-meatballs and pork/chicken fried wontons.
Dinner on flight 1/Singapore Airlines – beef over noodles in a soy-based sauce with Chinese greens. Acceptable.
SLEPT: Not much. Boys didn't sleep at the same time and I was really uncomfortable because of the back injury. Universe's messed up way of giving me a reason to look forward to the comforts of home, I guess...
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